JMCole Group
A part of the Medicare Plans Resource Center
Your Medicare One-Stop Shop
Medicare Parts A & B is a federal program that is essentially an 80/20 insurance plan with a deductible and NO max-out-of-pocket - thus no safety net.
Medicare Part C is the way you have a safety net so that you are not financially ruined by healthcare costs. The options below are the choices that you have which will help not only protect you and your financial future, but will also give you other services that you deserve.
Part C consists of two primary options: Medicare Advantage Plans and Medigap Plans. Click on each link below to learn more.
Medicare Part D is the Prescription Drug Plan (PDP). It is required that you have a PDP or you may face a Late Enrollment Period whenever you do sign up for one (more on that in the FAQ section).
Below are links to specific details about Parts C and D.
No matter your circumstance, JMCole Group has the right plans for you. Click the link below to send us an email and we will give you a call to answer any questions and set up a no-pressure consultation (either over the phone, virtual, or in person) We will help you get everything you deserve and the best part is:
you never pay us anything!